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State Legislative Sessions and Code Updates

State Name When Does the Legislature Meet? How Often is the Online Code Updated? When Was the Online Code Last Updated?


The Legislature convenes in regular annual sessions on the first Tuesday in February, except (1) in the first year of the four-year term, when the session will begin on the first Tuesday in March, and (2) in the last year of a four-year term, when the session will begin on the second Tuesday in January. The length of the regular session is limited to 30 meeting days within a period of 105 calendar days.


The State of Alabama online code is updated on the ALISON site only after any supplements have been published, it has been approved by the Code Commissioner, and the Legislature has voted to approve the Codification bill.

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Alaska   The Legislature convenes on the third Tuesday in January. Each Legislature has a duration of two years and consists of a “First Regular Session” in odd-numbered years and a “Second Regular Session” in even-numbered years, and any special session called by the governor or legislature. The Regular Sessions are each 90 days long.

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To be certain of the current version of the statutes and regulations, please refer to the official printed version of the statutes and regulations.




Arizona Pursuant to statute section 41-1101, the legislature shall assemble at the seat of government at twelve o’clock noon on the second Monday of January each year.

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Updates are completed following the end of a Session.

Floor calendars and info.


The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated with the 52nd Legislature, 2nd Regular Session (2016).
Arkansas The General Assembly meets in regular session on the second Monday in January of each odd-numbered year.

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Online code is updated annually in July


The Regular Session of the 90th General Assembly convened on Monday, January 12, 2015.  Bill filing started Monday, November 17, 2014.




The Legislature shall convene in regular session at noon on the first Monday in December of each even-numbered year and each house shall immediately organize. Each session of the Legislature shall adjourn sine die by operation of the Constitution at midnight on November 30 of the following even-numbered year.

On extraordinary occasions the Governor by proclamation may cause the Legislature to assemble in special session. When so assembled it has power to legislate only on subjects specified in the proclamation but may provide for expenses and other matters incidental to the session.

Session Schedules


Pursuant to the California Constitution Art. IV, Sec. 8(c), on January 1st of each year, the California Law database is updated with all new laws that become effective on January 1st of that calendar year.

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The California Law database is also updated nightly as bills are passed and become effective during the Legislative Session.




The general assembly shall meet in regular session at 10 a.m. no later than the second Wednesday of January of each year. The general assembly shall meet at other times when convened in special session by the governor pursuant to section 9 of article IV of this constitution or by written request by two-thirds of the members of each house to the presiding officer of each house to consider only those subjects specified in such request. The term of service of the members of the general assembly shall begin on the convening of the first regular session of the general assembly next after their election. The committees of the general assembly, unless otherwise provided by the general assembly, shall expire on the convening of the first regular session after a general election. Regular sessions of the general assembly shall not exceed one-hundred-twenty calendar days.

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Updated once a year, after legislative session around August/September, unless there is a ballot passed after that affecting the statutes. 


The Second Regular Session of the Seventieth General Assembly convened on January 13, 2016
and is scheduled to adjourn on May 11, 2016.




There shall be a regular session of the general assembly on the Wednesday following the first Monday of January in the odd-numbered years and on the Wednesday following the first Monday of February in the even-numbered years, and at such other times as the general assembly shall judge necessary.

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The revised statutes are published at the beginning of each odd-numbered year, and the supplements thereto at the beginning of each even-numbered year.

Statutes Index

The 2016 Regular Session convenes February 3rd, 2016 and adjourns May 4th, 2016.




The General Assembly meets in Legislative Hall in Dover. The legislature convenes on the second Tuesday of January and meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays until June 30 of each year. The General Assembly meets for 2 years, the first year being the first session and the second year being the second session. All bills carry over from the first year to the second year. Legislation not passed by the end of the second session is not carried over to the next General Assembly.

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Updated frequently


All acts effective as of 2015 included.


District of Columbia


Year-round with 3 recesses.

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Updated regularly.


Current through laws effective as of December 11, 2015.


A regular session of the legislature shall convene on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of each odd-numbered year, and on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March, or such other date as may be fixed by law, of each even-numbered year.

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Online code updated each year and does include special sessions.

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Legislative changes to the Florida Statutes effective up to and including January 1, 2016.




Each January representatives congregate at the state capitol for the start of the legislative session, which lasts for forty days, to deliberate matters of importance to the citizens of the state. The forty days are not always continuous, and during the time when the chambers are not in session, members generally work in committees or return home to meet with constituents. From time to time the governor may call the General Assembly into a special session for a set number of days.

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The Code is updated one time per year once the supplement to the print edition of the Official Code of George has been prepared and distributed to subscribers.

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Current through the 2015 Regular Session.




The Legislature convenes annually in regular session at 10:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday in January. Regular sessions are limited to 60 legislative days, and state law requires a recess of at least five days between the 20th and 40th days of the regular session. A special session may be convened by the Governor or at the written request of two-thirds of the members of both houses. The Senate may also convene in special session at the written request of two-thirds of its members to consider judicial appointments.

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The online code is updated annually in November.

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The HRS has been updated for all Acts passed in the 2015 Legislative session.




The sessions of the legislature shall be held annually at the capital of the state, commencing on the second Monday of January of each year, unless a different day shall have been appointed by law, and at other times when convened by the governor. The legislature sessions last approximately three months. 

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Updated annually in July.


Current through the 2015 Legislative Session.




The General Assembly shall convene each year on the second Wednesday of January. The General Assembly shall be a continuous body during the term for which members of the House of Representatives are elected. The Governor may convene the General Assembly or the Senate alone in special session by a proclamation stating the purpose of the session.

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Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on their Website as Public Acts soon after they become law.






The sessions of the General Assembly shall be held at the capitol of the State, commencing on the Tuesday next after the second Monday in January of each year in which the General Assembly meets unless a different day or place shall have been appointed by law. But if, in the opinion of the Governor, the public welfare shall require it, he may, at any time by proclamation, call a special session. The length and frequency of the sessions of the General Assembly shall be fixed by law.

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Online Codes updated annually.


Current Indiana Code as of 2015 Regular Session and Technical Session.




The general assembly shall meet in session on the second Monday of January of each year. Upon written request to the presiding officer of each house of the general assembly by two-thirds of the members of each house, the general assembly shall convene in special session. The governor of the state may convene the general assembly by proclamation in the interim. The general assembly convenes on the second Monday in January and lasts 110 days in odd-numbered years and 100 days in even-numbered years.

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Updated daily.


January 2016




The legislature shall meet in regular session annually commencing on the second Monday in January, and all sessions shall be held at the state capital. The duration of regular sessions held in even-numbered years shall not exceed ninety calendar days. Such sessions may be extended beyond ninety calendar days by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house. Bills and concurrent resolutions under consideration by the legislature upon adjournment of a regular session held in an odd-numbered year may be considered at the next succeeding regular session held in an even-numbered year, as if there had been no such adjournment.



Updated every January with the previous year session changes.

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The Kentucky legislature convenes in regular session on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January for 60 days in even-numbered years and for 30 days in odd-numbered years. It convenes in special sessions at the call of the governor. The Kentucky Constitution mandates that a regular session be completed no later than April 15 in even-numbered years and March 30 in odd-numbered years

The Kentucky Revised Statutes will be updated after each regular and extraordinary session of the Kentucky General Assembly as soon as this is feasible. January 19, 2016

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The legislature shall meet annually in regular session for a limited number of legislative days in the state capital. All regular sessions convening in even-numbered years shall be general in nature and shall convene at noon on the last Monday in March. The legislature shall meet in such a session for not more than sixty legislative days during a period of eighty-five calendar days. No such session shall continue beyond six o’clock in the evening of the eighty-fifth calendar day after convening.

All regular sessions convening in odd-numbered years shall convene at noon on the last Monday in April. The legislature shall meet in such a session for not more than forty-five legislative days in a period of sixty calendar days. No such session shall continue beyond six o’clock in the evening of the sixtieth calendar day after convening.

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Pursuant to the Louisiana Constitution Section 19, “All laws enacted during a regular session of the legislature shall take effect on August fifteenth of the calendar year in which the regular session is held and all laws enacted during an extraordinary session of the legislature shall take effect on the sixtieth day after final adjournment of the extraordinary session in which they were enacted. All laws shall be published prior thereto in the official journal of the state as provided by law. However, any bill may specify an earlier or later effective date.”


Updated through the 2015 Regular Session.




The Legislature shall convene on the first Wednesday of December following the general election in what shall be designated the first regular session of the Legislature; and shall further convene on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday of January in the subsequent even-numbered year in what shall be designated the second regular session of the Legislature.

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Once a year, usually in the Fall.


The text reflects changes made through the First Regular Session of the 127th Maine Legislature, and is current through October 15, 2015. 

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The General Assembly shall meet on the 2nd Wednesday of January for a period not longer than 90 days each year.

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Legislative info on this website is updated each night during the Session. For a fee, continuously updated info is available through the Legislative Subscription Service.



Current through 2015 Regular session




The legislative body shall assemble every year on the last Wednesday in May and shall dissolve and be dissolved on the day next preceding the said last Wednesday in May.

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Periodically updated to reflect changes to General Laws.

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This site is periodically updated to reflect any changes made to the General Laws. This site includes all amendments to the General Laws passed through October 31, 2015, for laws enacted since that time, see 2015 Session Laws





The legislature shall meet at the seat of government on the second Wednesday in January of each year at twelve o’clock noon. Each regular session shall adjourn without day, on a day determined by concurrent resolution, at twelve o’clock noon. Any business, bill or joint resolution pending at the final adjournment of a regular session held in an odd numbered year shall carry over with the same status to the next regular session

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Updated daily






Legislature shall meet at the seat of government on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of each odd-numbered year. When the first Monday in January falls on January 1, it shall meet on the first Wednesday after the first Monday. It shall also meet when called by the governor to meet in special session. In the even numbered years, it convenes on a date set by joint agreement of both bodies. The state constitution limits the Legislature to meeting 120 legislative days during each biennium (can spread them out over 2yr period). In addition, the Legislature may not meet in regular session after the first Monday following the third Saturday in May of any year.

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Updated annually, usually by September.

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Mississippi Pursuant to Section 36 of the Mississippi Constitution, “The Legislature shall meet at the seat of government in regular session on the Tuesday after the first Monday of January of the year A.D., 1970, and annually thereafter, unless sooner convened by the Governor; provided, however, that such sessions shall be limited to a period of one hundred twenty-five (125) calendar days for regular 1972 session and every fourth year thereafter, but ninety (90) calendar days for every other regular session thereafter. Provided further that the House of Representatives, by resolution with the Senate concurring therein, and by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting in each house, may extend such limited session for a period of thirty (30) days with no limit on the number of extensions to each session.” 

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Updated annually, legislative action updated daily. Current through the 2016 Regular Session.


The general assembly shall meet on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January following each general election. The general assembly may provide by law for the introduction of bills during the period between the first day of December and the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January.

The general assembly shall reconvene on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January after adjournment at midnight on May thirtieth of the preceding year.

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The Online Code is updated yearly in August.


August 28, 2015.

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Montana Each regular session of the Legislature convenes on the first Monday in January of each odd-numbered year or, if January 1 is a Monday, on the first Wednesday.  Any legislature may increase the limit on the length of any subsequent session.

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Updated every 2 years by October 1st.






The Nebraska Constitution requires that the Legislature convene annually on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January. Sessions in odd-numbered years last 90 days, whereas sessions in even-numbered years are 60 days. Adjournment dates vary based on how the Speaker schedules the 90- or 60-day session After the end of a legislative session, all the statutes that are changed with the passage of bills need to be updated (codification). After this, the statutes are updated and a link will be posted under the Recent Legislative Information section on the home page.

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The sessions of the Legislature shall be biennial, and shall commence on the 1st Monday of February following the election of members of the Assembly, unless the Governor of the State shall, in the interim, convene the Legislature by proclamation. The Legislature shall adjourn sine die each regular session not later than midnight Pacific standard time 120 calendar days following its commencement. Any legislative action taken after midnight Pacific standard time on the 120th calendar day is void, unless the legislative action is conducted during a special session convened by the Governor.


Updated after each session online.

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New Hampshire


The senate and house shall assemble biennially on the first Wednesday of December for organizational purposes in even numbered years, and shall assemble annually on the first Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January, and at such other times as they may judge necessary; and shall dissolve and be dissolved at 12:01 A.M. on the first Wednesday of December in even numbered years and shall be styled The General Court of New Hampshire.

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Code updated yearly.

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Updated September 2015



New Jersey


Commence on 2nd Tuesday in January of each even-numbered year (with two annual sessions).  Because the Constitution also specifies that all business from the first year may be continued into the second year, the distinction between the two annual sessions is more ceremonial than actual. Each house averages 40 meeting days.

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Updated daily.

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January 2016


New Mexico  


The New Mexico State Legislature convenes in regular sessions on the third Tuesday in January each year. The Legislature meets for 60 days in odd-numbered years and 30 days in even-numbered years.



During a legislative session, every effort is made to finish updating the information in the Bill Finder by 6 a.m. of the next calendar day. The revision date is posted on the search page of the Bill Finder. After a legislative session, updates will be made as the governor takes action on the bills that have passed. The deadline for the governor’s action is 20 days after the session ends; no updates are necessary after that deadline.


Current through the First Special Session of the 52nd Legislature (2015).

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New York  


New York State – Legislative Session Calendar    
North Carolina


Legislature meets biennially beginning with odd-numbered years.


Updated annually a couple of months after sessions end.


The Statutes on the North Carolina General Assembly website reflect changes made in the 2015 legislative session.

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North Dakota


The North Dakota Legislative Assembly meets biennially, from approximately the second week in January to mid-April in each odd-numbered year.



Online code is updated annually.


The Century Code includes changes made by the 64th Legislative Assembly (2014-2015).

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Each general assembly shall convene in first regular session on the first Monday of January in the odd-numbered year, or on the succeeding day if the first Monday of January is a legal holiday, and in second regular session on the same date of the following year.
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Updated every 3 mos.

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Legislature shall meet on the first Monday in February of each year and the regular session shall be finally adjourned sine die not later than five o’clock p.m. on the last Friday in May of each year.


Updated annually.


The Oklahoma Statutes were last updated on November 2, 2015.

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The Legislature convenes annually in February at the State Capitol in Salem, but sessions may not exceed 160 days in odd-numbered years and 35 days in even-numbered years. Five-day extensions are allowed by a two-thirds vote in each house. In odd-numbered years, the Legislative Assembly convenes on the second Monday in January, to swear-in newly elected officials, elect legislative leaders, adopt rules, organize and appoint committees, and begin introducing bills.


Code Updated annually.

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The General Assembly shall convene the first Tuesday of January. The General Assembly must meet in regular session annually, meaning the session of one year must adjourn by noon of the first Tuesday of the following year. Two regular sessions cannot meet at the same time.  It must also adjourn by midnight, November 30, in even-numbered years due to the expiration of the terms of office of all House members and half the Senate.

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Updated regularly

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October 31, 2015

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Rhode Island


There shall be a session of the general assembly at Providence commencing on the first Tuesday of January in each year, generally for 60 meeting days, generally ending around late June. 

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Updated annually.


2015-2016 Session Information

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South Carolina


The annual session of the General Assembly shall convene at the State Capitol Building in the City of Columbia on the second Tuesday of January of each year.

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Updated annually by January. However, individual laws are updated as they are changed.


Updated through the 2015 Session of the General Assembly

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South Dakota


The sessions of the Legislature shall be biennial. A regular session of the Legislature shall be held in each odd-numbered year on the second Tuesday of January and shall not exceed forty legislative days, excluding Sundays, holidays and legislative recess.  A regular session of the Legislature shall be held in each even-numbered year beginning with the year 1964 and shall not exceed thirty-five legislative days, excluding Sundays, holidays and legislative recess.

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Updated quarterly


Current through the changes of 2015 General Session. 

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Session beings the second Tuesday in January at 12:00 Noon. Each General Assembly meets 90 session days over a two-year period. Generally, legislative sessions last from mid-January through late April or May of each year.

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Updated annually.


Current through the 2015 session of the 109th General Assembly.




The Legislature of the State of Texas, operating under the biennial system, convenes its regular sessions at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd-numbered years. The maximum duration of a regular session is 140 days.

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Information updates occur immediately after the information is entered into the legislature’s internal computer system.

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The statutes available on this website are current through the Regular Session of the 84th Legislature, June 2015. The Texas Constitution is current through the amendments approved by voters in November 2015.




The Utah Legislature meets yearly in General Session, convening on the 4th Monday of January and adjourning “sine die” 45 calendar days later (not including President’s Day in February). Special Sessions are called by the Governor and may last a maximum of 30 days.

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October 2015

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The Vermont Legislature meets each Tuesday through Friday during the legislative session, which runs from early January through late April. The adjournment date varies from year to year, but in general the Legislature tries to complete its work in sixteen or seventeen weeks.



Information is added to this site daily during the Legislative session. In general, information is added to the Web site as soon as it is available.

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The General Assembly meets annually, beginning on the second Wednesday in January, for 60 days in even-numbered years and for 30 days in odd-numbered years, with an option to extend annual sessions for a maximum of 30 days.

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The Code of Virginia is updated annually in July.



July 1, 2015

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Regular Sessions. A regular session of the legislature shall be convened each year on the second Monday in January. Regular sessions shall convene on such day and at such time as the legislature shall determine by statute. During each odd-numbered year, the regular session shall not be more than one hundred five consecutive days. During each even-numbered year, the regular session shall not be more than sixty consecutive days.

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The online version of the Revised Code of Washington is updated twice a year, once in the early fall following the legislative session, and again at the end of the year if a ballot measure that changes the law passed at the general election.


April 30, 2015

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West Virginia


The Legislature meets for 60 consecutive days, usually beginning the second Wednesday in January. In years with a Gubernatorial Election, the 60-day Regular Legislative Session begins the second Wednesday in February.


Updated annually, usually not until the early Fall.


Updated with legislation passed through 2015 Regular Session

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The Wisconsin Legislature operates in a biennial session that lasts from early January of the odd numbered year to early January of the odd numbered year two years later. The session is referred to by the odd-numbered year, for example, acts from the 2001-2002 Legislative Session are called 2001 Wisconsin Acts. During the session, business is conducted during scheduled Floor periods.

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New amendments, bills, and resolutions are added overnight.


January 15, 2016.

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Wyoming The Wyoming Legislature meets for not more than 40 days in odd-numbered years in General Session. General Sessions convene at Noon on the second Tuesday in January. The Wyoming Legislature meets for approximately 20 days in even-numbered years for a Budget Session. The Legislature can meet for not more than 60 days every two years. The Governor may call the Legislature into Special Session. If a Special Session is called by the Governor, there is no limit on the length of the session or on the topics to be considered. The Legislature itself can call a special session to last not more than 20 days.


Updated quarterly. The Wyoming Statutes is updated with changes from the 2015 General Session.

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