Who is a landlord?

A landlord is the owner of piece of real property (also called ‘rental property’), who leases it to another person. The landlord is also referred to as the ‘lessor’ of rental property. The landlord lets a tenant use and occupy his/her rental property in exchange for the monthly payment of rent. While the specific landlord/tenant laws vary by state, in every case there are legal protections in place defining landlord rights and tenants rights.

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The Eviction Process

When it comes to evicting tenants, every landlord must follow applicable state and local laws by providing proper notice to the tenant and following the procedures necessary for a legal eviction. Even if a tenant is late paying the rent or has violated some rule laid out in his or her lease, a landlord usually has a duty to follow the process, which includes legally ending the tenancy first before suing to evict the tenant.

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Eviction Notices

An eviction notice, scary as it is, is not the eviction itself. When a tenant is served with an eviction notice, they still have rights and options. The eviction noticed may be presented as a legal document, but it must meet strict requirements before a court will consider it valid.

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