Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases, or the amount of time in which you have to file suit for medical malpractice, varies from state to state. However, every state does impose some statute of limitations, so your case must be brought within that time period. In some states, the time limit can also be extended, depending on when the discovery of negligence was made. This is called the discovery rule and states usually give a person a certain number of years from the date the discovery was made to file a lawsuit.

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Medical Child Abuse or Medical Malpractice? The Justina Pelletier Case

After being held in custody for 16 months, including confinement in a psychiatric ward, Justina Pelletier is seeking vindication. Her parents’ lawsuit against Boston Children’s Hospital is the latest battle in the conflict between the rights of parents to raise their children and power of medical professionals to override those rights in what they deem to be a child’s medical interests.

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