What is the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) establishes the rules for the independent operation, control, and command of the US military’s four branches. Basically, military law exists for the regulation of military members, the preservation of justice and especially the maintenance of order. The United States military is well-organized and positioned to be of service to the (civilian) President of the United States in part thanks to military law – and especially the UCMJ.

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Congress to Remove ‘Lunatic’ From Law Wording

The most recent word to be stricken from law, however, holds a slighting connotation that a person is crazed, even possessed, or out of control. The “lunatic” is now being considered for removal from the language of laws; and specifically from one discussing a bankruptcy matter.

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Ohio Secretary of State Ordered to Appear in Court Next Week

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has been ordered to appear in federal court on September 13, 2012, presumably to answer for his refusal to set in motion preparations to reinstate the early voting days for the upcoming November election, as ordered by Judge Economus of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

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How can an attorney help me appeal my Social Security benefits?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) allows applicants to handle their appeals by themselves or with the help of a representative. You can appoint anyone you wish to be your representative, including friends or relatives. However, many people choose to hire social security attorneys to fill this role. The reason for this is that your representative in this appeal is much like your representative in a court of law. S/he will be able to serve as your “right arm,” working entirely for your interests, and on your behalf for most issues. If you have a debilitating condition, you can expect having a representative who is proficient at these issues to be an enormous relief.

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