Quality Divorce Help

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What is separate property?

In general, separate property or non-marital property is any property, real or personal, acquired before marriage, after divorce (or in some states by separation of the spouses before divorce), by gift or inheritance during marriage, or during marriage with separate property funds.

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Divorce Advice: Michigan

Do you need divorce advice in Michigan? We’re going to tell you about the requirements for getting a Michigan divorce or legal separation; whether or not mediation will be required for your Michigan divorce; what the rules are for annulments in Michigan; and other answers to your questions regarding Michigan divorces. Click here to learn more.

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Colorado Divorce Advice

Colorado divorce advice doesn’t have to be hard to come by. Colorado, like every state, has unique laws and rules governing the separation or divorce process, but we make finding Colorado divorce advice and the answers to commonly asked questions easy. Click here.

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What is a bifurcated divorce?

What is a bifurcated divorce? A married couple can decide to settle many matters early and become legally no longer married even when some issues remain to be worked out. Learn about bifurcated divorce all over the United States here.

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Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce In New York: What’s The Difference?

If you’re considering getting a divorce in New York, it’s important to understand the differences between those which are contested, those which are uncontested and which grounds for divorce are recognized in New York’ which is the only state in the country that does not recognize no fault divorce. Elliot Schlissel, a New York Attorney whose practice area includes divorce, estate planning and many others, provided the details in a recent interview.

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Can my wife lock me out of my own house?

If you come home to find that your key no longer fits, it can be an awful shock. You may be at a loss about what you can do when your spouse changes the locks, but we can help. This article will tell you whether or not it’s legal for your spouse to lock you out, what you can do about getting access to your home, and what steps you can take going forward to protect yourself through the divorce or separation process.

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Massachusetts Divorce & Separation

Separations and divorces are common occurrences in every state, yet the procedures and laws in each state can vary widely. Massachusetts is certainly no exception, and you may have a number of questions about the specifics.

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