New York Wills: When And How To Change Your Will

For many of us, changing our wills to reflect the changes that have occurred in our lives is something we mean to do, but simply don’t get around to. However, changing a will is not as complicated as it used to be’ and making those changes on a timely basis insures that your loved ones receive what you intended them to.

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Texas Probate Procedures: How Soon Must You File?

The statute of limitations for filing probate in Texas is four years from the date of death. If you don’t probate the Will or if you don’t seek to submit the Will into probate within four years, then whatever benefit the Will may have created for you is lost. In other words, it’s as if you had no Will.

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Georgia Probate Procedure

Some Georgia estates can be distributed without resorting to the entire probate process. For example, under Georgia’s Year’s Support laws, property is given to the surviving spouse and/or minor children to provide living costs while the rest of the estate is settled in probate.

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Florida Probate Procedures

If the property in the Florida decedent’s estate does not fall under non-probate assets, contract assets, or joint tenancy property, the property will fall under one of the following three categories: disposition without administration; summary administration; or formal probate proceedings.

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Is it possible to remove an executor from an estate?

When an individual, known as a testator, writes a will, he or she will generally appoint an executor. The executor of a will has a duty to the testator to carry out the terms and conditions of the will upon the testator’s death. During life, the testator can easily remove the executor from the will and replace him with another. After the testator’s death, it becomes more difficult to remove an executor from the estate. However, it is not impossible.

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How to Revoke a Will

As long as you are still alive and considered mentally competent, you are as free to change your will as you were to make it. There are certain procedures to changing a will that must be followed if you want to accurately and successfully revoke a will in favor of a new one. In order to change your will you must make your new wishes clear in a new document, and properly revoke a will that does not reflect your intentions.

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