How to Protect Your Interest in Real Property

Imagine a creditor trying to find out how much money you have at your disposal. Copies of deeds and the taxes paid on real property are public records that anyone can look up at the county courthouse. There are ways, however, to keep this information out of the public view.

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How to Protect Assets with a Swiss Bank Account

If you are looking for a way to protect assets from snoopy investigators, a Swiss account can be the ideal place. The main reason for having such an account for most people has to do with keeping one’s financial status a secret, and protecting one’s assets from attack.

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Are witnesses and notaries required when making an official will?

Executing a legal will is an important process for many adults. Before safely filing it away, though, you need to take the necessary legal steps to make sure your will is valid. Most states only require two witnesses to be present when a will maker signs the will in order for the will to be considered valid.

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As executor, in what order should I handle my duties?

Executors (also known as estate administrators) are financial caretakers specifically assigned a decedent’s will. An executor plays an important role in protecting and distributing the estate of a deceased person to the proper family members. What many executors may not realize is that you are also responsible for making certain decisions and tying up any loose financial ends as well.

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Estate Planning Checklist

Drafting an estate plan? Click here for a detailed list of documents, accounts, insurance policies, investments and other important estate matters that must be addressed in order to have a successful estate plan that provides for you and your loved ones.

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