What is an appeal?

In its broadest sense, an ‘appeal’ is a formal request that a higher court re-examine the procedure or decision of a lower court, administrative agency, or other body. An appeal normally may be taken by the party who loses or did not get all the relief sought. If both parties are dissatisfied, each may appeal part of the decision.

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How are civil rights protected?

Civil rights are a huge and important body of rights. Civil rights, along with political rights, are widely viewed as making up the collection of human rights. The exact definition of civil rights is very broad. The rights found in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for example, can be seen as civil rights. However, when most people refer to ‘civil rights,’ they are referring to a particular right: the right to be free from discrimination.

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What constitutes an illegal adoption?

It is illegal in every state for an adoption that requires exorbitant amounts of money be paid upfront to go forward, specifically if the money must be paid either directly to the birth mother or to a third party or agency acting as a go-between. Any requests for large sums of money in this manner is an excellent sign that the adoption is a scam or other type of illegal activity. This illegal adoption itself will probably not be legally recognized even if it is completed.

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What is public intoxication?

Public intoxication charges are not limited to individuals under the influence of alcohol. Being under the influence of drugs, including over-the-counter medication or prescription medication, can also lead to a charge of public intoxication. However, unlike other alcohol and drug-related crimes, such as driving under the influence, specific levels of intoxication are not needed to convict for the crime of public intoxication: an individual can be charged with public intoxication when he is or appears to be visibly intoxicated, no matter the level of drugs or alcohol in his system.

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Will I be kept informed during the course of the class action litigation?

If you are part of a class action litigation taking place against a company for any reason, you were probably notified of your right to joint he class by a specific attorney and/ or law firm that is in charge of the litigation. That law firm should provide you with a source of information. As the case moves forward, you will likely receive written notification of any significant changes. There may also be convenient ways to access changing information more quickly.

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What are Class A, B, and C misdemeanors?

Class A, Class B, and Class C misdemeanors are classifications for criminal offenses. Every state has a system for classifying criminal offenses. Higher grade offenses result in higher levels of punishments. Click this link to read more.

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When should I opt out of a class action case?

Joining or opting out of a class action lawsuit can be a costly decision. The benefits and risks of one option over the other depend heavily on the type of lawsuit and a person’s situation. Therefore, an individual should weigh the pros and cons of a class action suit before making a decision.

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