Why is criminal procedure different from civil procedure?

Criminal procedure is different from civil procedure because the burdens and results are dramatically different. In criminal matters, action is taken by the ‘state’ (a federal, state or local government agency) against an individual or an organization (like a group of individuals, ‘business’ or other entity) for violation of law that can result in criminal penalties. The state has a more difficult burden of proof to meet before someone can have their liberties restrained by confinement in jail.

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When does parole go into effect?

Parole laws and parole procedures vary by state. Before a parole can become effective, you must meet your state’s requirements for parole eligibility, receive approval from the parole board, and receive a certificate of parole.

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As a minor, can I be transferred from juvenile court to adult court?

In most jurisdictions, the two ways in which a juvenile case can be tried in adult court are through the certification process (also known as the waiver or fitness process) or through automatic transfer. Based on factors ranging from the seriousness of the current charges to the juvenile’s age, if the judge decides there is probable cause justifying the district attorney’s request, the case will be transferred from juvenile court to adult court.

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What is forgery?

A person commits the crime of forgery when, with the intent to defraud, s/he executes, alters or publishes a writing without the owner’s knowledge or consent. A person also commits forgery if s/he fraudulently makes a writing and holds it out to be the work of another.

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