Overview of Georgia Criminal History Record Expungements

The state of Georgia offers two procedural paths to expungement of your arrest record. Which one may be applicable for you simply depends on the circumstances of your case. You can request an expungement if (1) you were arrested for any offenses under state law, but after arrest were released by the arresting agency without the offense being referred to the prosecuting attorney, or (2) you were arrested and your case was referred to the prosecutor, but the prosecutor dismissed without seeking indictment or filing an accusation.

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Do I Need an Attorney to Expunge My Criminal Record in Tennessee?

If you are at all unclear on who to contact to get the forms you need, or if you are unclear as to the actual terms of the expungement or requirements for it (such as the probationary restrictions or special issues for juvenile applicants), then you should at least seek out a consultation with a Tennessee attorney who specializes in criminal record history expungement.

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Do I Need an Attorney to Expunge/Clear My Criminal Record in Indiana?

The application process for expunging your criminal record is straightforward and somewhat self-policing in Indiana. You need an attorney if you are disabled, seeking to have an exception applied, and/or if your case is old or special (juvenile cases, etc) and requires specialized legal knowledge to work through. It is advisable to hire an attorney with experience in this area of law if you are unfamiliar with or unprepared for law enforcement agency objections.

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Do I Need An Attorney To Seal My Criminal Record in New York?

You can certainly undertake the sealing of your criminal record yourself (called ‘pro-se’). However, there are some very technical requirements that must be met in order for you to be successful. The slightest mistake in court documents or other paperwork can cost you weeks or months of precious time.

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