You can Get a DUI from Taking Cough Syrup

Whether or not you will successfully be able to fight a codeine-based DUI charge will depend on several factors. However, in most states, driving under the influence of drugs is the same as driving under the influence of alcohol. In a situation in which you have not been drinking or abusing drugs, it is always best to opt for a breath test and/or road-side sobriety test to prove to the officer on-the-spot that you are not intoxicated. Driving while intoxicated laws also differ on this issue from state to state, you can find out about the laws in your state here.

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How much does a DUI attorney cost?

DUI and criminal attorneys tend to bill slightly differently than personal injury attorneys. Some personal injury attorneys will accept a case on a contingent basis. Not so with criminal attorneys. DUI and criminal attorneys usually require a deposit up front.

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Aggravated Robbery

All theft crimes are not the same. Aggravated robbery is a serious violent crime with harsher penalties and is harder to defend. It is crucial to understand how aggravated robbery is classified, punished and defended.

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Pretrial Release

Do you know what factors a judge looks at to determine whether bail is appropriate? Want to know what the penalties are when you don’t show up at court? Find the answers to all your questions about pre-trial release here.

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Process for Expunging Adult Criminal Records in Virginia

In order to get your adult criminal record cleared in Virginia, you must file a petition for relief for expungement, be fingerprinted, and serve a copy of the Petition on the Commonwealth’s attorney. The application contains information about you and the offense committed.

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Process for Expunging Adult Criminal Records in Georgia

The Georgia Request for Expungement form itself is three pages, with a different section on each page. You will fill out Section One and then take the form to the arresting agency, which fills out Section Two. The arresting agency will then forward your request to the prosecutor to fill out Section Three. The prosecutor will either approve or deny your request, and return the Request for Expungement to the arresting agency.

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Expunging Juvenile Adjudication Records in Georgia

Georgia law allows for individuals who had photograph and fingerprint records filed as juveniles to have those records expunged under any of the following circumstances: (1) a petition alleging delinquency was not filed, (2) the proceedings were dismissed after either a petition alleging delinquency was filed or after the case was transferred to juvenile court, or (3) the juvenile was adjudicated not to be a delinquent.

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