Dangerous Drug Law

Healthcare providers in the U.S. write nearly 3 billion prescriptions a year. Many of them involve narcotic medications that are commonly used for pain relief….

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Criminal Law

Criminal law exists to mete out punishment to people who commit crimes. A crime is an act or failure to act that contravenes a law…

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Steps to Expunge a Felony Conviction

The steps to expunging a felony conviction requiring filing a petition at the right time. The costs to expunge a felony typically include court costs, application fees, and attorney’s fees. Find out about limitations on expungement, alternatives, and rationales by clicking here.

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Constructive Possession of a Controlled Substance

Constructive possession of a controlled substance exists where the suspect did not have the drugs in his actual possession, but did have dominion or control over them, knowledge of their presence, and knowledge of what the contraband actually was. To find out more about a constructive possession charge and defenses you could offer, click here.

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