What is parental kidnapping?

Although family law courts discourage and frown upon parental kidnapping, many custody disputes unfortunately result in a game of tug-of-war over children. Before you participate in a seemingly strategic game of snatch and grab, you should understand what is and is not considered parental kidnapping in your state.

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What does “criminal procedure” mean and why is it important?

When a judge refers to the rules of criminal procedure, s/he is referring the rules which control how a criminal case will be handled. Rules of criminal procedure do not generally define what a violation of the law is, but rather will set out how any given criminal case will be treated as it progresses through the crminal court system. Most criminal cases will begin with an arrest. Before the police can arrest you, they must have probable cause to arrest you. Once you are arrested, you must be arraigned and informed of the charges against you. You have the right to request an attorney at arraignment. The same criminal procedure will apply for all criminal cases.

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First DUI: What You Should Know

Although most states categorize a first DUI as a misdemeanor, do not underestimate the serious consequences of your first DUI arrest or conviction. When you are charged with your first DUI or DWI, you need to understand the mandatory sentence or punishments associated with a DUI offense, the nature of a DUI charge, and the long-term consequences of a DUI conviction.

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DUI and Future Opportunities: Employment & Education

The punishment for a DUI conviction does not end in the courtroom, but has lasting consequences on your employment and education opportunities. Even a probated DUI sentence can influence an employer’s willingness to hire you. Colleges can have the same types of reservations if they find out about your DUI conviction.

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DUI Bail and Bonds Overview

After an individual is arrested for a DUI offense, they will remain in jail until they are taken before a magistrate and arraigned. The general purpose of the magistration process is to advise you of the charges that have been filed against you and to set bond or a bail amount. The amount of your DUI bail and the procedures for making bond will depend on the criminal laws of the state in which you are arrested and the local rules of the county or parish.

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What happens if you refuse to take a BAC test?

The consequences for refusal to submit to a DUI blood alcohol test vary from state to state. In some states you have a right to refuse a blood alcohol test with no additional penalties for doing so, but in others you will face penalties beyond your DUI charges. Become familiar with your states laws regarding a DUI blood alcohol test by contacting an experienced DUI attorney.

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DUI Trial Tips

There are two general approaches to improving your chances for a favorable outcome before trial on a DUI charge. The first approach involves being proactive and addressing how you got the DUI charge in order to minimize sentencing. The second approach is more reactive and designed to fight the DUI charge by arguing you are not guilty. Whether you are guilty or not, consult a DUI attorney for assistance fighting a DUI charge or minimizing punishment for a DUI conviction.

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Understanding a DUI Driver’s License Suspension

While many criminal or financial penalties for a DUI require every person arrested for DUI be found guilty at trial, when it comes to a DUI license suspension the law is not as gracious. For a DUI arrest, or for refusing to submit to a blood alcohol test, you are punished before trial by an immediate administrative driver’s license suspension. If you are arrested for DUI, you should consult a DUI attorney to understand the wide ranging consequences on your driver’s license and how to alleviate the effects of a DUI license suspension.

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DUI Probation and Deferred Sentencing

When considering DUI plea options, you need to understand the difference between a strait probation and a deferred sentence. Both will involve being placed on some type of probation wherein you report to a probation officer, complete drug and alcohol counseling, perform community service hours, and pay a fine. A common misconception about DUI probation and DUI deferred sentences is that it means you won’t have to go to jail, this is not the case. If you have received a DUI or DWI, you should contact a DUI attorney as soon as possible.

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What happens when you leave the scene of an accident?

Leaving the scene of an accident without providing your contact and insurance information can have serious consequences, including fines and jail time. If you have been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer or other attorney who is well-versed in the traffic laws.

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