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Breaking Your Lease When You Can No Longer Afford the Rent

Breaking your lease seems like the best option when you lost your job, laid off, or suffer other financial hardship. However, before you break your lease, review your lease agreement. How and when you terminate your lease will usually have more long-term consequences than why you are terminating your lease

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What is parental kidnapping?

Although family law courts discourage and frown upon parental kidnapping, many custody disputes unfortunately result in a game of tug-of-war over children. Before you participate in a seemingly strategic game of snatch and grab, you should understand what is and is not considered parental kidnapping in your state.

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What is an implied trust?

An implied trust is a financial arrangement that has the characteristics of a trust without the formalities establishing one. An implied trust may not be expressly defined as a trust in a will or other legal document, rather a court determines that a trust agreement exists by looking at the nature of the arrangement the parties have made.

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What does “criminal procedure” mean and why is it important?

When a judge refers to the rules of criminal procedure, s/he is referring the rules which control how a criminal case will be handled. Rules of criminal procedure do not generally define what a violation of the law is, but rather will set out how any given criminal case will be treated as it progresses through the crminal court system. Most criminal cases will begin with an arrest. Before the police can arrest you, they must have probable cause to arrest you. Once you are arrested, you must be arraigned and informed of the charges against you. You have the right to request an attorney at arraignment. The same criminal procedure will apply for all criminal cases.

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What Are Trade Regulations?

Trade regulation laws are laws enacted by both federal and state governments to promote unrestrained competition amongst businesses. Trade regulations extend into many categories of law, such as anti-trust law, which prohibits anti-competitive acts like price-fixing, monopolistic conduct, and deceptive practices. Consumer protection law, advertising law, trademark law, and franchise law also fall under the umbrella of trade regulation.

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What is involved in de-unionizing a workplace?

Removing a union is not an easy task, but it is possible as long as the employees take correct legal steps. The first thing to note, however, is that employers cannot force a group of union workers to de-unionize, and that workers who do wish to de-unionize do not need to ask their employers.

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